The Town Centre BID business plan includes:

Safer environment

  1. Introduce Street Ambassadors
    To build a relationship with businesses to tackle on-street issues such as crime and anti-social behaviour.
  2. CCTV
    Increase CCTV coverage and visibility.
  3. Lobby for more police in town centre
    Take an active role in speaking on behalf of businesses who would like increased police presence.
  4. Work towards Best Bar None Scheme
    Help night time economy venues to work towards better safety and national recognition.

Showcasing the offer

  1. Consumer website
    With a dedicated visitor website we will showcase Crawley’s recreational offerings by promoting local events and offers in the area.
  2. Dedicated social media
    Establish a strong social media presence to help promote Crawley as a regional destination to consumers.
  3. Exclusive offers to the office and professional sector
    Create a sense of loyalty to employees in the area through bespoke offers and discounts


  1. Family focused events
    Work with local partners and businesses to deliver fun, family-focused events.
  2. Food and Farmers’ markets
    Bring a Food and Farmers’ market to Queensway and the Historic High Street to draw dwell-time and enliven the town.
  3. A year long calendar of events
    Raise communication about local events happening in the town centre to increase business participation.


  1. Accessibility campaigns
    Showcasing the best that Crawley has to offer compared to neighbouring town centres.
  2. Business networking
    Hosting a number of networking opportunities for businesses to ensure they feel connected to their town centre.


Amongst the views of the business community in Crawley was an overall desire to see an improved town centre. Enabling a safer environment, showcasing the town's offer, creating opportunities for enlivenment and better connecting businesses to the town centre would help achieve this key aspiration. The impact of both businesses and visitors having the opinion of Crawley as an improved town would also complement wider opportunities.