Published: 22 June 2023
From: Events and culture
A new Changing Places toilet – the second in Crawley – has opened at The Hawth.
Crawley Borough Council was awarded a grant of £97,000 from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to install Changing Places toilets at The Hawth theatre and K2 Crawley leisure centre.
Changing Places toilets are designed for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.
The council has worked with The Hawth’s operator, Parkwood Leisure, on the installation of these new amenities to enable more people to access the regional arts centre.
I’m delighted to see that the Changing Places toilet at The Hawth is now open. These accessible and inclusive facilities are vital for residents and visitors and I hope they will make a trip to the theatre that little bit easier.
Councillor Chris Mullins
Cabinet member for Leisure and Wellbeing
Crawley Borough Counci
A spokesperson for Muscular Dystrophy UK said: “We are delighted to see the new Changing Places Toilet installed at The Hawth, funded by the DLUHC programme. This new installation will see the wider community able to enjoy and visit with reassurance that their needs will be met with dignity. We love this inclusive commitment.”
We have been pressing for more Changing Places facilities for a number of years. We are delighted to be able to support the installation at The Hawth which will be of great benefit not only to many of our members, but for the wider community as well to ensure that the theatre is truly accessible for all.
Maria Cook
Autism Support Crawley
A Changing Places toilet is already available in County Mall shopping centre. Facilities at K2 Crawley and the new Town Hall on The Boulevard will open later this year.
tags: Accessibility, theatre, community, leisure, wellbeing