- Developer: ,
- Status: Pipeline
- Website: Not specified
- Type: Commercial
Crawley Borough Council, Govia Thameslink Railway, Network Rail and West Sussex County Council are pleased to bring forward proposals to redevelop Three Bridges Station forecourt, create a new entrance to the station from Station Hill and create a vibrant new space with excellent connectivity for all.
The plans were approved by Crawley Borough Council's Planning Committee in March 2023 with works expected to start on site in 2024 to 2026.
The scheme will:
- Improve the physical environment of the station forecourt area and taxi rank
- Improve provision for picking up and dropping off passengers by car and taxi
- Improve the transport interchange facilities, bus connectivity, pedestrian and cycle links
- Improve access to the station by sustainable forms of transport
- Improve passenger flow by creating a new entrance and exit point at platform 5
- Review parking facilities at the station
The scheme will benefit all station users by creating:
- A new pedestrian and cycle entrance from Station Hill, enabling people to purchase a ticket and access the rest of the station. This will cut down on journey times for those coming from Maidenbower and Pound Hill
- Dedicated safe spaces for passenger and taxi drop-off and waiting areas and the introduction of cycle route provision at the front of the station
- Increasing transport options for station users
- A more welcoming, inviting and safer space for all to enjoy
The proposals follow feedback from public consultations in 2014, 2018 and 2019, extensive consultation with stakeholders and a detailed and wide-ranging traffic modelling exercise.
- A planning application was submitted to Crawley Borough Council in November 2022
- The application will be considered by the Planning Committee in 2023
- Subject to planning permission being granted, a procurement exercise will be undertaken to let the construction works
- Commence the first phase of construction works in 2025 (new station entrance, benefiting Maidenbower and Pound Hill residents)
- Crawley Borough Council’s Planning Committee approved the scheme proposals on 7th March 2023
- Detailed designs will be developed during 2023, followed by a procurement exercise to let the construction works
Existing catering facilities at the station will remain.
As part of the traffic modelling approval process with West Sussex County Council it has been agreed that any additional traffic or traffic growth would have a similar impact on both the existing and proposed scheme. It is also worth noting that unlike many planning applications the scheme is not generating any additional traffic just changing the layout and the signal arrangement.
Whilst bus service improvements are beyond the scope of this scheme, Crawley Borough Council officers are talking to Metrobus, who have committed to re-routing Fastway 20 to serve stop A at the front of the station, enabling stop C to be removed. This will deliver a great benefit to bus users who will have much better waiting facilities and a better interchange with the railway station. It will also mean that all buses heading towards the town centre will all make use of one single stop at the station, rather than being split between two. The removal of bus-stop C and the creation of an enlarged better quality waiting area at bus-stop A, in front of the station, would make it far easier for passengers at Three Bridges to get to their destinations by bus.
Potentially, yes. This is being looked at with Metrobus.
A new bus shelter was successfully installed in March 2018 - thanks to an agreement reached by Crawley Borough Council with the private landowner and funds secured from a private developer.
Users of the station will be able to have full access to the station and purchase a ticket at the new entrance from Station Hill.
This stretch of road will have double yellow lines to discourage people from doing that and the new pick up and drop off areas within the station will be adequately signposted.
Officers did look at ways of trying to keep the right hand turn and still undertake all the improvements. This modelling analysis was undertaken thoroughly and was also assessed by officers from West Sussex County Council Highways Authority. It was found that it was not possible to keep the right hand turn, whilst also maintaining traffic flows and delivering all the improvements envisaged to the front of the station. The proposed scheme is the most viable scheme, based on the evidence collected and it is considered to provide the most benefits for the most people.
The benefits are:
- A brand new station entrance from Station Hill into the station, which will provide access to all public parts of the station, equipped with ticket machines and gates and staffed by railway staff. This will benefit in particular residents from Maidenbower and Pound Hill
- Additional bike parking for cyclists located at the new station entrance on Station Hill (80 spaces)
- An enlarged dedicated space for public vehicle drop off and waiting at the front of the station.
- An enlarged dedicated taxi rank and waiting area at the front of the station
- New pedestrian crossing points over Williams Way to the Station and between the taxi area and the public drop off area to provide pedestrians with much safer and clearer access to the station
- A widened and quality paved area in front of the Station for shared use by both pedestrians and cyclists, offering much safer and much clearer access into the Station, particularly from underneath the railway arch on Haslett Avenue East
- A greatly improved public space environment in front of the station with better access for disabled station users
- An enlarged and quality waiting area for bus users in front of the station, equipped with a modern shelter and Real Time Passenger Information with much easier access from the railway station
There are numerous possible routes that vehicles can take when requiring to travel eastbound from Williams Way. However, only two will be promoted as viable alternative routes as part of this scheme. These are:
- Turn around at the mini roundabout at Hazelwick Avenue - Bycroft Way
- Turn around at the Paymaster General roundabout on Haslett Avenue East
It would not be possible to put in a temporary barrier as without the benefits of having the new entrance from Station Hill, the pickup and drop off areas for the public, the new cycling and pedestrian routes it would just be a scheme not allowing vehicles to turn right out of the station with none of the benefits that are associated with the full proposal. In addition a temporary barrier would not include the signing, advising motorist, of the recommended diversion routes to turn around to the east of the Station, which could result in motorists attempting to turn at unsuitable locations.
The Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme is a joint scheme between Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR), Network Rail (NR), West Sussex County Council and Crawley Borough Council, whilst the funding to implement the scheme is sourced from local authority partners this scheme could not be delivered without the co-operation of the two railway organisations and the work will be occurring on their land, in particular the Station Hill entrance. In addition both GTR and NR have provided in kind support (Staff Time) to the scheme over the last couple of years and will continue to do so until the project is complete.
The environmental impact of the scheme would be assessed as part of the planning application process in relation to the relevant policies set out in Crawley’s Local Plan. The Environmental Health Officer has suggested that an air quality assessment is carried out including an assessment of the air quality impact of the longer journeys, which will be done at the appropriate time.
This suggestion is beyond the scope of this project and is cost prohibitive due to insufficient available funding.
This suggestion is beyond the scope of this project and is cost prohibitive due to insufficient available funding. This would also result in an unacceptable level of traffic increase on St Mary’s Drive.
At present the current scheme can only accommodate an additional 2 electric car charging points, without impacting on the car parking spaces available for the general public.
It is generally accepted that the current layout of the parking, drop off and taxi facilities are problematic and this proposal helps to segregate these to provide a more defined and less congested layout, which is far more pedestrian, cycle and rail user friendly. During the next stage the Council will work with our partners and stakeholders to develop an enforcement strategy to allow the proposed layout to work efficiently and safely, particularly at peak times. This would be put in place before the completion of works for the scheme.
The traffic modelling scope and area was jointly agreed between Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council as the highways authority, and covered the following areas:
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Worth Road
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / St Mary’s Drive
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Station Hill
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Station Forecourt
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Hazelwick Avenue
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Three Bridges Road
- A2220 Haslett Avenue East / Stephenson Way
In order to provide a detailed and evidence based assessment there are a number of specific stages that have to be carried out and these stages are generally set out by the Highway and Planning Authority. Each stage requires a certain period of time to complete and although certain stages can happen at the same time the overall period is estimated to be in the order of 26 to 30 weeks.
- Stage 1 – Study Area – The Consultant had to agree the scope of the study area with the Highway Authority and agree the periods and types of traffic surveys that were required to support the traffic modelling.
- Stage 2 – Once the study area had been agreed the Consultant had to prepare a detailed specification and obtain quotations.
- Stage 3 - Traffic Surveys. This involved the installation of approximately 30 video cameras, numerous automatic traffic counters, which determined both vehicle and pedestrian flows over a 3 day period, along with the recording of traffic flows at 7 major traffic signal junctions.
- Stage 4 – Assess raw data. Once the Survey Company have recorded and submitted all the traffic data this was assessed and formatted in a way that could be utilised in the traffic modelling.
- Stage 5 – Build Computerised Base Traffic Model. This required the existing traffic layout to be modelled using a specialist computer software package. The software model utilised was also adapted to assume certain driver behaviours such as re-routing to avoid congestion.
- Stage 6 – Validation and Calibration of the Base Model. Once the traffic model had been prepared there was a period of adjustment to the model parameters to ensure that it adequately reflected the recorded traffic flows, queue lengths and journey times.
- Stage 7 – Build the Proposed Model. This required the existing base model to be amended to reflect the proposed changes to the layout and the various traffic flows so that the model could be compared against the base model and an assessment made of the potential impacts.
- Stage 8 – Modelling Report. A detailed report was prepared which summarises the above and recommendations were made that will need to be approved by West Sussex County Council.
The Council has appointed experienced consultants to assist them in developing the traffic modelling proposals all of which have a proven track record in this type of works. The main Traffic Modelling has been carried out by specialists who have carried out many similar traffic modelling assessments for other local authorities in the south east and London. The traffic modelling has also been reviewed and approved by West Sussex County Council as the Local Highway Authority.
The peak times are determined by when the highest traffic volumes are recorded on the roads not by officers. Whilst the time commuters arrive at the station may be before 7am and after 6pm, the traffic flows on the surrounding road network is significantly less at those times and therefore it would not be robust to use such peak hours for the traffic modelling.
During the period from 7am to 8am, the traffic modelling has revealed that there are an average of 105 vehicles (71 private and 34 taxis) turning right out of the Station Forecourt (compared to 69 during the modelled peak hour 8 to 9am), therefore 36 vehicles more. There are on average 129 vehicles (115 private and 14 taxis) turning left from Williams Way (109 during the modelled peak hour 8 to 9am), 20 vehicles more than 8 – 9am. Despite the fact that flows turning out of the station are lower in the modelled peak hours, across the entire modelled road network, there are on average 16185 vehicles (excluding buses is 15995) during the time from 7 – 8am. This is about 4240 vehicles (excluding buses is 4247) less compared to the modelled peak hour (8 to 9am) – which has an average of 20,235 vehicles in total.
The above information clearly suggests that there are more traffic flows within the road network during the peak hours of 8 - 9am and 4:30 - 5:30pm. If the modelling had been undertaken based on other times using lower traffic volumes on the strategic road network (Haslett Avenue East), the assessment would not have fully captured the impact of the lane drop under the rail bridge and the removal of the right hand turn.
The Modelling report is a technical report which includes a significant amount of raw data, much of which is neither directly relevant to the focus of the modelling analysis nor is it in a format that can be shared with stakeholders. Therefore a summary of the report has been prepared which will be made available on request. The report explains the outcomes of the traffic modelling process alongside the corresponding data and its analysis. Please email 3Bridges to request a copy.
It is a standard tool to capture traffic flows during a typical weekday and outside of any planned events, holidays or road closures that disrupt normal traffic flows. The information collected is used to assess the traffic impact of the proposed schemes. The highway impact assessment is based on using similar traffic flows for both the existing and proposed highway layouts and therefore provide a comparative impact of the scheme. It should be noted that not only are there seasonal variations in traffic flows but also daily variations. The Highway Authority (West Sussex County Council), after discussions with the Borough Council supported the duration and period of the traffic flow data collection and therefore the project team were satisfied that traffic levels in July would represent typical traffic flows.
The traffic count took place between 8th and 15th July and the actual modelling focused on Tuesday 10th July, Wednesday 11th July, Thursday 12th July and Saturday 14th July.
Officers have also confirmed with the Highway Authority (West Sussex County Council) that the traffic levels in mid-July used for the survey represented typical peak flows during the year and it was accordingly appropriate to make a “like for like” assessment of the traffic impact for the various options. In addition the Highways Authority reviewed the duration and period of the traffic flow data collection, and their traffic data supports the use of July as a “robust period” to do the counts.
The traffic modelling also identified that a vehicular drop off in this area would disrupt traffic flows in the vicinity so it was decided that the Station Hill entrance would have pedestrian, cycle and bus access only. In addition, the cost of creating the vehicular drop off is considered prohibitive due to the significant civil engineering works that would be required.
The scheme seeks to improve access to and from Three Bridges station, transforming the public realm and strengthening sustainable transport connections to benefit both local residents and commuters to Manor Royal and all parts of Crawley. The Cabinet approved in principle the overall design concept for the Three Bridges Station and also approved the expenditure to facilitate the detailed design stage.
Works are expected to commence during 2025 to 2026.
- Public consultation on the Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme – an overview
Crawley Borough Council, supported by partners West Sussex County Council, Network Rail and Govia Thameslink Railway (Southern), have carried out three significant and well publicised public consultation exercises since November 2014 on the Three Bridges Station improvement scheme.
The three consultation exercises have provided almost eleven weeks of public consultation on the scheme with a total of 779 responses received from residents and stakeholders.
A further 3 weeks of public consultation is taking place, following the submission of a planning application in November 2022. This brings the total amount of public consultation on the scheme to almost 14 weeks.
The following provides a more detailed response on the scheme’s extensive consultation history and on how the current preferred design option came into being.
- Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme Proposals - first public consultation exercise
The planning permissions for the development of the train maintenance depot (CR/2011/0093/FUL) and Regional Operations Centre (CR/2011/0075/FUL) at Three Bridges Station included a legal requirement for the developers, Network Rail, to make a contribution towards improving public access to the station. The money cannot be used for anything else. In response, Crawley Borough Council, West Sussex County Council and GTR Southern Rail produced the Three Bridges Station Scheme Improvement proposals, which went out for public consultation for 25 days from 10 November to 5 December 2014.
The scheme proposals that the public and stakeholders were consulted on comprised 2 options with option 1 being the following:
- A new dedicated public vehicle drop off / pick up area;
- A new dedicated taxi drop off / pick up area;
- Safer new pedestrian routes between the bus stop, the station entrance and the taxi / public vehicle drop off / pick up points to improve pedestrian access;
- A new pedestrianised area in front of the station – the station forecourt.
- Widening of the pedestrian footway under the railway bridge to become a shared footpath / cycle path.
- Removal of one of the bus stops to create a single enlarged bus waiting area in front of the station.
- Removal of the vehicular right hand turn out of the station / Williams Way.
Option 2 proposed to deliver solely the above improvements to the public vehicle and taxi drop off / pick up areas in order to retain the right hand turn out of the station.
The development of the above proposals was the outcome of a 2013 feasibility study commissioned by GTR Southern Railway Ltd, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and Crawley Borough Council (CBC) to identify transport interchange infrastructure and public realm improvements to Three Bridges Station.
The feasibility study findings included the following, as noted by the February 2015 Cabinet report (referenced below) SHAP/43 :
- During the course of considering the options, major changes to the road junction arrangements (outside the station) were not found to be possible within the limited space available and due to the need to maintain traffic flow.
- As a consequence of incorporating all the improvements within the available space associated with Option 1, it was found that it was not possible to retain the ability of vehicles to turn right out of the station.
- It was recognised that Option 1 could have an impact on people accessing the station by vehicle from Pound Hill and Maidenbower and as a result, the consultation document also proposed as an alternative that there could be a smaller scheme (option 2) which would just involve improvements to the taxi and public vehicle drop off / pick up / waiting areas.
- Alternative options seeking to retain the right turning movement and keeping all the other benefits were considered and reviewed. However, there is not the physical space available within the forecourt and surrounding area, due to the proximity of other signalised junctions, to retain all the traffic movements and
- maintain the traffic flow on Haslett Avenue East.
- Alternative restrictions on traffic entering or leaving the forecourt area were considered but affected a greater number of vehicles or adversely affected traffic flow.
- Whilst appreciating that the right hand turn removal would affect a number of people, a far greater number of station users either access the station by non-vehicular means or from the other direction. (NB Over 8,000 people use the station every day)
- Video surveys indicated that there are around 700 vehicle movements per day turning right out of the station compared to 1,200 turning left. Taking into account the 36,000 vehicles using Haslett Avenue East per day then the right turning traffic represents just 2% of the total traffic movements in this area.
- Initial traffic modelling work was carried out at that time on the impact of the reduction in the number of town centre bound road lanes from 3 to 2 under the railway bridge outside the station, which found that Option 1, described above, could be delivered without a detrimental impact on traffic flows.
The public consultation for the above scheme proposals involved:
- Letters to stakeholders and residents and businesses in the area immediately surrounding the station
- Two staffed exhibitions at Three Bridges Station
- Two staffed exhibitions at Crawley Library
- Two staffed exhibitions at County Mall
- Leaflets handed out to passengers at Three Bridges Station
- Information left on windscreens of vehicles in the station car park
- Press, social media and web coverage
- There were also two meetings in October and December 2014 with representatives of the Hackney Carriage Association at which the proposals for the forecourt at Three Bridges Station were discussed
A total of 269 responses were received, the majority of which came from Pound Hill (76), Maidenbower (75) and Three Bridges (36). Most of the participants travelled to the station by foot, cycling or public transport. Only 38% travelled to the station by car.
- Many comments in favour of option 1 considered it to offer a greater level of safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Others in favour mentioned the need to improve the bus service. There were also comments from those in favour expressing concern about the no right turn but concluding that the trade-offs such as increased pedestrian safety and improved bus stops would be worth it.
- Many of those in favour of option 2 considered it to solve some safety and taxi requirements but nearly all comments focussed on the disadvantages of option 1 and its restriction on the right turn out of the station and the impact of traffic flow past the station as a result of the removal of a traffic lane due to the widening of the footway underneath the bridge.
- Some responses also highlighted that the provision of a new eastern station access and a small drop off area would address some of their concerns particularly from the Maidenbower area. It was clarified at the time that the new station entrance would be implemented in advance of the station forecourt element itself.
- The outcome of the consultation shows that Option 1, which includes the removal of the right hand turn out of the station, was preferred by 62 per cent of all respondents.
The Three Bridges Station Forecourt Project report SHAP/43 went to CBC’s Cabinet on 11 February 2015 to allocate £430,000 of section 106 monies for the implementation of the scheme. In the report, consideration was also given to the creation of a new station entrance for Three Bridges station from Station Hill, recommended at the time by the train operating company - GTR Southern.
In May 2015, GTR Southern produced a feasibility report for the proposed Station Hill new “eastern access” entrance which included a gate line onto Platform 5 and a new vehicle drop-off entrance. This additional station entrance would help improve overall station capacity and help to mitigate against the removal of the right hand turn out of the station.
There then followed nine months of negotiation by West Sussex County Council with the Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership to obtain funding for the new station entrance project proposals. In February 2016, Network Rail stated that they could not support the new station entrance proposals at the time and it was agreed to review at a later date.
On 29 June 2016, CBC’s Cabinet approved the allocation of £1.5m to the Three Bridges Station Scheme. This subsequently became part of the Crawley Growth Programme, which was reported to Cabinet for approval on 4 October 2017 and on 27 June 2018.
- Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme - second public consultation exercise
In September 2016 it was agreed with West Sussex County Council that CBC should take over the lead project management role for the Three Bridges Station Scheme from WSCC.
In spring 2017, after further discussion and negotiation, Network Rail agreed for the scheme to be revived. In autumn 2017 the scheme design Brief was refreshed, based on the original option 1 – the preferred option following resident and stakeholder feedback from the first public consultation exercise – see above. The revised concept design included the proposed new station entrance off Station Hill and removal of the right hand turn out of the station / Williams Way.
In autumn 2017, Network Rail agreed the revised design proposal and a second public consultation exercise was undertaken from 12 February to 5 March 2018 – a total of 21 days.
The public consultation activities included the following:
- Meetings with various stakeholder groups e.g. Town Access Group, Hackney Carriage Association, Cycle and Walking Forum etc., including two all-member seminars (Economic Regeneration Working Group)
- Four staffed exhibitions at Three Bridges Station at varying times
- One staffed exhibition at Crawley Library
- One staffed exhibition at County Mall
- Leaflets handed out to passengers at Three Bridges Station, Crawley Library and County Mall.
- 5,000 brochures produced and distributed
- Attendance at information sessions with officers from West Sussex County Council working on the upgrade of the seven junctions from the SCOOT traffic light system to the MOVA system
- Press, social media and web coverage.
CBC received 244 comments from 183 people of which 55% queried the no right hand turn out of the station in particular the impact this would have on traffic flow and journey times. 6% commented on the reduction of lanes under the bridge. In the face to face encounters people were very positive about the scheme and the majority of the queries raised on-line, via-email and face to face were responded to as part of the Frequently Asked Questions and the responses also helped to inform the subsequent preparation and staging of the third and final public consultation exercise in October- November last year, as presented below.
Following sessions with a range of stakeholder groups’ additional objectives were added;
- Provide an attractive, safe and accessible sustainable transport gateway and node into Crawley, as per the Crawley Growth Programme.
- Deliver improved safe, direct and inter-connected pedestrian and cyclist access to and from the station by sustainable forms of transport (walking, cycling and public transport, electric cars), particularly in relation to Manor Royal Business District and Crawley Town Centre
In March 2018, a report went to Cabinet on the Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme (PES/280) advising of the outcome of the second public consultation exercise. The Cabinet approved funding for more detailed design work and the next steps, including, in response to concerns raised, a comprehensive traffic modelling exercise to determine the traffic flow viability of removing the right-hand turn out of the station.
The Cabinet report included a commitment, prior to submission of a planning application, for Crawley Borough Council (supported by West Sussex County Council and partners) to go out to a further period of public consultation, with the designs subject to change depending on the outcome of the above traffic survey and modelling work. The Cabinet also committed to reviewing the scheme following the detailed design and traffic modelling work.
In response to this, CBC, WSCC and partners oversaw the implementation of a thorough traffic modelling.
The traffic modelling analysis has concluded overall that the reassignment of ‘right turning’ traffic out of Williams Way and the proposed layout changes is likely to have only a minor impact on journey times in relation to the vast majority of vehicle movements taking place on Haslett Avenue East outside the station main entrance and on the wider strategic road network in the vicinity. The vast majority of road users travelling in and out of Crawley using Haslett Avenue East will be relatively unaffected.
The Traffic Modelling Report Executive Summary - Appendix C shows the options that were considered – one of which included a retained / signalised right hand turn (Figure 5 Option 3), but as can be seen from Table 1 and 2 under Section 8 the impact on Journey times for vehicles using a number of principal routes on the road network would be more significant simply to accommodate the relatively small number of right turning cars in the am and pm peak periods, which is currently between 2 and 4% of drivers.
The following quote from WSCC should be noted, “the County Council are unable to support Option 3, based on forecasted journey time increases (Tables 1 and 2 of the ‘Traffic Modelling Report Executive Summary’ Report – Appendix C) for buses and for general traffic. In particular, the choice of Option 3 would disadvantage users of the bus network in Crawley at peak times in order to provide for traffic entering the public highway network from the station car park and a private road, Williams Way. This would conflict with the County Council’s transport policies and objectives to promote sustainable modes of transport whilst maintaining the passage of traffic on the main highway routes in the town.
The co-ordination of an additional junction (for right turning traffic) between Hazelwick Avenue and the existing station exit will be challenging as there is limited stacking room for vehicles between them. This may mean that the co-ordination of all the junctions will need to be compromised, resulting in increased inter-green/ lost time and frustration to drivers”.
- Three Bridges Station Improvement Scheme - third public consultation exercise
Once the traffic modelling exercise had been completed and the results analysed and assessed, a number of changes were made to the revised proposal, which were communicated to the public by CBC, WSCC and partners through a further public consultation exercise.
The main changes in the proposal included:
- Reconfiguration of the taxi, public drop off area and the motorcycle parking
- Larger bus waiting area
- Improved pedestrian and cycle access within the station
- Removal of the drop off area at the Station Hill entrance – retaining wall remains
- Reconfiguration of the parking for Network rail staff at the Station Hill entrance and the relocation of the cycle parking.
This third consultation took place from 7 October to 3 November 2019 – lasting a total of 28 days. This proposal shared the revised designs and made clear recommendations on the way forward for the Three Bridges Station Improvement scheme.
The following activities took place to promote the scheme:
- The council issued a press release on 7 October 2019
- The media release was tweeted and put on Facebook on 7 October
- On the same day a notice was posted at the gate in Three Bridges Station and on display in Crawley Library advertising the following dates as information sessions for the public to attend:
- Thursday 10 October, 4-7pm, Crawley Library
- Saturday 12 October, 12 noon-4pm, County Mall
- Tuesday 15 October, 6.30am-9.30am, Three Bridges Station
- Tuesday 15 October, 5.30-7.30pm, Three Bridges Station
- Thursday 17 October, 12 noon-4pm, Three Bridges Station
- Meetings were also held with various stakeholder groups e.g. Town Access Group, Hackney Carriage Association, Cycle and Walking Forum etc., including an all-member seminar (Economic Regeneration Working Group) and ward councillors.
- On 7 October officers presented the scheme at the Three Bridges Forum Annual General Meeting, which was widely publicised. The publicity also advised that officers from Crawley Borough Council would be there to present on the scheme.
- It was also shared on community notice boards and the relevant Facebook pages.
- On 10 October officers attend the Manor Royal People event to discuss the scheme, which was also widely publicised.
- At each of the events the dates of future events where publicised and all the majority of the events had staff from CBC and WSCC in attendance.
- CBC posted a news item on the Invest Crawley web site on 15 October
- A link to the news item was included in the Invest in Crawley e-newsletter, circulated in October 2019 to numerous businesses and community groups.
- An unmanned display was in the Town Hall from 21 October to 3 November 2019.
We received 513 Comments from 327 participants, this was via email and comments made at events etc.
- Planning Permission
A planning application was submitted in November 2022 and this was followed by a further 21 days of statutory public consultation in accordance with the Planning application process, overseen by the Local Planning Authority.
Crawley Borough Council’s Planning Committee approved the scheme proposals on 7 March 2023.